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Primex Business privacy policy pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

Terms and Conditions


1.1. Primex Business Company Import Export s.r.l., with registered office in Calea Mosilor, 280 – Bucharest (ROMANIA) , Tax VAT: RO 45220235  (hereinafter, Primex Business or the “Data Controller”), as Data Controller, will process your personal data provided through the site (hereinafter the “Site”) in compliance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on privacy and protection of personal data and this information.

1.2. When signing up for the various services or accessing them, the names of any additional Data Controllers and Data Processors will be communicated.


The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted at the following email address:


3.1 Primex Business will process the personal data communicated by you or legitimately obtained by the Data Controller (“Personal Data”). In particular, the following Personal Data are processed:

3.2 Contact details: name, surname, email address, telephone number, the content of the message you sent and other Personal Data that you may have provided to us during the communications. We will process this Personal Data in the event that you ask us questions, request information or send us communications of various kinds.

You transmitted this Personal Data to us when you contacted us. The processing of this Personal Data is necessary to provide feedback to the communications received or requests made by you. The further provision of Personal Data must be considered absolutely optional.

3.3 Navigation data: the IT and telematic systems and the software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some data (the date and time of access, the pages visited, the name of the ‘Internet Service Provider and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you access the Internet, the Internet address from which you connected to our Site, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of web communication protocols or it is useful for better management and optimization of the data and email sending system.

3.4 The processing of Personal Data for the purposes of this information is to be understood as any operation or set of operations, carried out with the aid of automated processes and applied to Personal Data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction .

3.5 We inform you that such Personal Data will be processed manually and / or with the support of IT or telematic means.


4.1. Primex Business will process your Personal Data for the achievement of specific purposes and only in the presence of a specific legal basis provided for by the applicable law on privacy and protection of personal data. Specifically, Primex Business will process your Personal Data only when one or more of the following legal bases occur:

a) you have given your free, specific, informed, unequivocal and express consent to the processing

b) the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which you are a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request

c) in the presence of a legitimate interest of Primex Business

d) Primex Business is required by law to process Personal Data.


4.2. The purposes for which your Personal Data are processed by the Data Controller and the legal basis on which the processing is based are listed below:

a) purpose of processing: to check the correct functioning of the site legal basis: execution of a contract or a specific request

b) purpose of the processing: to respond to a question or request sent by the interested party legal basis: execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party

c) purpose of the treatment: ascertainment of responsibility in case of computer crimes against the site; detection, prevention, mitigation and assessment of fraudulent or illegal activities in relation to the services provided on the site; carrying out security checks in accordance with the law legal basis: legitimate interest of the Data Controller

d) purpose of the processing: to allow the use of all the features of the site legal basis: execution of a contract or a specific request


4.3. The provision of your Personal Data is necessary in all cases where the processing takes place on the basis of a legal obligation or to execute a contract of which you are a party or from the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request. Your refusal could make it impossible for Primex Business to carry out the purpose for which the Personal Data are collected.

4.4. The provision of your Personal Data is instead voluntary for the pursuit of further purposes and failure to provide your consent in relation to them will have no consequence on the conclusion of the contract. The mandatory or optional nature of the provision will be specified at the time of collection.



Your Personal Data may be made accessible, for the aforementioned purposes:

a) to employees and collaborators of the Data Controller, appointed for this purpose as Authorized for processing, or to companies related to Primex Business present in the European Union;

b) to third-party companies or other subjects that carry out outsourced activities on behalf of the Data Controller to allow the Website to function, in their capacity as external Data Processors.


Your Personal Data will be processed within the European Union and stored on servers located within the European Union. The same data may be processed in countries outside the European Union, provided that an adequate level of protection is guaranteed, recognized by a specific adequacy decision of the European Commission. Any transfers of Personal Data to non-EU countries, in the absence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission, will be possible only if adequate guarantees of a contractual or contractual nature are provided by the Controllers and Managers involved, including binding corporate rules (“Binding Corporate Rules “) and standard contractual clauses of data protection. The transfer of your Personal Data to third countries outside the European Union, in the absence of an adequacy decision or other adequate measures as described above, will be carried out only if you have explicitly consented to it or in the cases provided for by the GDPR and will be treated in his interest. In these cases, we inform you that, despite the companies connected to Primex Business adopt operating instructions common to all the countries in which they operate, the transfer of your Personal Data could be exposed to risks connected to the peculiarities of local laws on data processing. Personal.


The Personal Data processed for the aforementioned purposes will be kept in compliance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, and in any case until the purposes of the processing have been pursued.


8.1 Pursuant to art. 15 – 21 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), in relation to the Personal Data communicated, you have the right to:

a) access and request a copy

b) request rectification

c) request cancellation

d) obtain the limitation of the processing

e) oppose the treatment

f) receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and to transmit such data without hindrance to another data controller, where technically possible.

8.2 We inform you that you still have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data carried out on the basis of Primex Business’s legitimate interest.

8.3 If you object to the processing of your Personal Data as indicated in article 8.2, the Data Controller will refrain from further processing the Personal Data, unless he demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing, or to ascertain, the exercise or defense of a right in court.

8.4 To exercise your rights and revoke your consent, as well as for more information relating to your Personal Data, you can send a communication to the Primex Business Data Protection Officer, reachable at the following email address without fail indicating the content of your request in the subject.

8.5 We remind you that it is your right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority for the protection of Personal Data.

8.6 If the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data is referred to, you can lodge a complaint by:

a) registered letter with return receipt addressed to the Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal. B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, cod postal 010336, Bucuresti (Romania)

b) email:

c) email:

d) fax number: +40 318059211-212

Privacy policy updated on October 30th, 2022.